Summer already

Whoo! It's been a WHILE.

I thought I would more free since I'm post-Step 1 since April, but I found myself surrounded with more work or, even better, friends! I'm still aiming to go into ENT, and am absolutely terrified of the match, but I just got to do what I need to do. Snapshots of Las Vegas, friends, fennel tea, jam and everything in between clinics:

Recent events at my school also made the last months my first time in  negotiating with the administration as a leader of my student body. Prior to this I merely planned bar events, organized emails, etc. The experience challenged me to mobilize and organize competing student interests and to develop a plan that would not just pander to the loudest but protect the quietest. It has pushed to challenge myself in learning how to look out for my colleagues and finding compromise. Moving past the subject of school...

I started a quasi-Paleo diet!
Paleo meaning no grains, breads, pasta, etc.  Quasi because I cannot give up soy or yogurt. Rice was hard enough, but I am not going to make homemade versions of sriracha, soy sauce, etc. Gotta say the menu and grocery shopping gets a lot simpler when you bypass rows and rows of food you cannot eat.
This means almonds! dark chocolate! avocados! I can't say I miss oatmeal when I'm indulging on eggs over medium and avocados drizzled with truffle olive oil, lemon, and pepper for breakfast.

You might ask, oh gosh, why?
Because processed food sucks. I felt so tired and lifeless and constantly hungry last month when I relied on granola bars and sandwiches even though they are deemed "healthy". Restricting to just protein, fruits, veggies, and nuts gives you all the nutrition you need, makes you feel fuller longer, and limits those sugar rushes.

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