Coffee & Company

I don't mean to neglect my blog (hm, perhaps I intentionally do at other times..?), but time can move so relentlessly fast and poof! It's the end of the month again. One thing I've learned this month is that man, e-mailing takes forever. I have an impressive rate of 1 email per 30 minutes. Between writing papers and organizing class events as class president, however, my inner (and sometimes mischevious) zen moved me to explore the world beyond the brick walls of my apartment.

First, I fell completely in love with Vinyasa yoga. A good flow from position to position opens up the body and releases the negative tension bottled up inside. And I've had a lot of negative tension this month. You can ask Chad, who I drive crazy sometimes but there's nothing a good homecooked meal of his favorites can't calm. When organizing a class BBQ this weekend, 2 hours of shopping consisted of phone-a-friend for a costco card after being inside already, dumping food into cart and then undumping them back for a change of menu, another phonathon for grilling help and supplies, arriving 20 min late because of a wrong turn, and that priceless feeling to see people greeting you.

The bottom line: finding people who help out, support you, and care about you makes the world go around. They remind me to not take uncontrollable circumstances personally.  Friendships once tepid have grown organically to new heights. I'm so very lucky to have such amazing people in my life.

Another funny thing: I'm camera-shy, but I find my camera is people-shy. The proportion of food-to-people in my memory cards are somewhat embarrassing. Now there's something else to work-on.

Tomorrow's forecast looks like there's a 24-hour shift in ob/gyn. And I got some mean Vietnamese coffee to pull me through.

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