Gone fishing?

I saw patient RM, a 70+ yo patient who has skin cancer, rebounded from depression and now cannot stop talking about his fishing. He will even do math for you to stop you from coming in between him and his boat. I also saw JB, a 60+ yo who has chronic pain leading to opiod dependence and a dismal prospect with his prostate cancer. Both are retired and face chronic medical conditions yet one is as bright as the other is miserable.

When looking ahead (but not forward) to the day when we are as old and as retired, what churns in the mind is an idea of our last freedom. Grown are the (hopefully no more than 2) kids, no work, just freedom. Golf, critique the dim sum, comment on the weather. Gosh, this sounds boring already.

Hypertension, falls, arthritis, osteoporosis, cancers, etc. The elderly account for 30% of pharmacy prescriptions to address these conditions, and 100% are not factored into the American (retirement) Dream. To most retirees, each pill is a rude awakening call to 'reality'.

What will keep you in pursuit of that Dream? What do you turn to when you develop depression with cancer, pain when you've walked too many steps, emptiness from sexual chemistry declining due to all the pills and pain? Your loved one has passed, your kids have their own lives, and you are on the verge of loneliness.

I guess this is a roundabout way of saying...find a passion. Or two! Not a weak tempered interest in baking cookies for kids or "Ooh, look at those pretty shoes". Stake out a territory for you and only you, and dive. You may even catch a fish.

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