
Currently enjoying my fall break after a rough 2 months of school. End-of-basic science studying as been slow and leaves are falling. I haven't been home for the longest time so I'm looking forward to turkey break! But what's closer is SomethingWicked on Saturday. It'll be my first technofest and I'm excited! :)

Not much else has been going on besides my superhuman feat of multi-tasking. I guess I've never delved into my med school routine. My day starts at 5:30-6 AM and I do a bit of studying lectures/reviewing. I hop on a bus and then attend class from 8-12 pm like a good girl (perfect attendance). After lunch, I head over to another hospital to do research and I usually stay until 5PM, which is "lunchtime" for surgeons on the floor. Some afternoons I help teach anatomy to first years. After I get back from these dayjobs, I cook dinner for two and relax over a bit of TV. Then I study some more. On random days I work at the ER or help with club activities. Bedtime around 10. Plain ol' vanilla, everyday.

Yesterday I found out my clinical rotations schedule for next year. Just to get you up to speed, this is a super big deal. I'm talking huge. (That's what she said). And I'm hugely disappointed, to say the least. I'm trying to get into the mindset that "everything will work out" and "you'll still do great" but being scheduled only half the clinical experience as everyone else makes you fidget a little. A side note: I wanted pediatrics before 2014 when I take the step exam, but I'm imagining that some upper power knows that I'm not a kid's biggest fan and spared me from pediatrics. To key you in on the details, my rotations are: psych, surgery, medicine, and ob/gyn. I would have liked neuro, pediatrics, and family medicine also.

But chin up, girl. That's what everyone is telling me. Ok! It's chilly today and I'm going to usher in the new weather with a photoshoot of someone :) More later!

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