Return from motherland

It's been a little over 2 weeks after my return from motherland. You'd think I would have time to create a post, but I struggled with jet-lag and re-committing to school.

I spent some time deciding which photos I'd like to represent my trip. I hope you enjoy these tidbits of adventures and scenes! Thumbmails may have compromised the resolution a bit (gr!).

First meal in Beijing. Mmm! 

 At the Olympic Park

Where Chad's family used to live--currently abandoned with beautiful overgrowth. 

At a park somewhere in Shanxi.  

Now these are electric bikes, not those puny American ones.

 Homemade dumplings, my favorite. 

 On top of a temple in Hangzhou.

 At the bottom of a temple. 

 Hangzhou is so gorgeous.

 So are we.

Cheapest dish ever: 3 rmb ($0.50). And it was tasty too!

He's going to do great things, this boy

From China in 15 hours with 15 snapshots:
1. 3 wheel taxis
2. Taxis driving in foot-deep water and 80 km/hr -- but not at the same time, thankfully.
3. A new meaning of "family-owned restaurant" - nong jia le (happy peasant home)
4. High heels hiking up a mountain. Who does that?!
5. The only dietary restriction you should have entering China is that of bottled water.
6. Beer is a close second.
7. Watching starcraft tournaments at a 5-star hotel.
8. Thank globalization for Western toilets. I only had to squat 3 times.
9. Ping-pong ball-sized blister from a mosquito bites. Follow up with skittles-sized blisters. I kid you not!
10. As long as it's safe, all cars reign free.
11. I saw more trees than I have in my lifetime.
12. Diarrhea traveled with us. Everyday.
13. Went to Hong Kong to buy products from Japan and Taiwan.
14. There is no such thing as traffic hours. All hours are traffic hours.
15. A year's worth of movie blockbusters in one sitting. Thank you, Delta.

And thank you, Chad, for the wonderful trip :) I hope we will be able to go on more adventures together!

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