Winter 2014

I was talking with my mom during the 10 days of my winter respite, and we realized that this may be the last winter break I get to spend at home for the next 4-5 years! So we made the most of it (we would've anyways) by eating, drinking, taking photos, playing cards/mahjong, and just chatting.

I am a fan of this new Chinese liquor Shui Liu Feng (similar to Mao Tai). Admire that pretty packaging of the iconic water cube! Also, if you didn't know already, I'm a huge fan of chocolate. I have more chocolate bars than shoes. Sunny introduced me to Dallas's chocolate artisan shop, Dude, Sweet Chocolate, and I can't get enough of their Drinking Chocolate mix and Crack in the Box. I also bought One Night Stand, a chocolate-infused tequila potion, and it is terrific with coffee.

My friends also threw me a surprise birthday party when I came back to Houston after 2 weeks of travel. When I walked into Luna Pizzeria, the first thought that came to my mind was, "Hi! Nice to see you! Wait, I know everyone in this table. Why are you guys all here?" Stumped, and gloriously stumped. I took these candid shots of them because I was too shy to ask them to all bundle up for a photo together. It was a fantastic evening, and I couldn't find many words to thank them.

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