Thanksgiving holiday

Drove up to Plano after 5 months without seeing mom, and I immediately got spoiled by her cooking! My favorite type of thanksgiving dinner is just us with simple dishes, a glass of wine, and hours of talking. I'm going to brag about her humongous shrimp dish because it was almost the size of my palm. Let the pictures speak: 

 Our thanksgiving dinner -- who needs turkey when you have these gems on the plate?

Wintermelon soup -- scraping the tender meat and all its goodness 

Best chef in the world, my momma

What I was busy doing for 2 hours

Thanksgiving leftovers for lunch -- equally as good

A family snapshot on my brother's birthday

She sent me back to Houston with tons of braised meat and fruit. Yum! Cannot wait to head back for Christmas. There's just 3 weeks left before I finish pre-clinicals and it has never been more exciting. I'm so thankful for my family and friends for everything they've done. Going to try to make the rest of 2012 count. 

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